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Why isn’t my gel curing fully? Why is it bubbling or wrinkling during curing?Updated 24 days ago

LUXA gel colors do have a thicker consistency than other brands, and some colors are more pigmented than others. The raw materials that create the pigmentation in our gels can cause slight variances during the curing process. Here are some tips to ensure the best cure:

  • We recommended thoroughly mixing our gel before use.
  • Storing your gels room temperature. Cold environments can cause our gel to temporarily be thicker. If you suspect your gel is cold, a trick our techs like to use is to place the gel bottle under their thigh for a couple minutes while working on other steps in the application.
  • Be sure each layer of LUXA Gel Color is applied thinly! When applied too thick, the gel will not cure properly.
  • Your gel may also need a longer cure time in your lamp. 60 seconds is the standard cure time in an LED lamp with an output of at least 395 nanometers. If your lamp is older (1 year old or more) we recommend a longer cure time or a lamp replacement.
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