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Build and Build 2

What is the difference between Build and Build 2?

LUXA Build has a slightly thinner viscosity with faster self-leveling time and a softer color than LUXA Build 2. Our standard LUXA Build has just the perfect amount of flow without needing to race against the clock. It works perfectly for nail overla

Which is right for me, Build in a Jar or Build in a Bottle?

This is up to personal preference! While some techs prefer Build in a Bottle, others appreciate the control they feel using their preferred brush to apply Build in a Jar.

Are Build products soak-off?

LUXA Build is not soak-off. You can file it down carefully, or to make removal easier, you can apply LUXA Base before Build. That way, you can file off about 80% of the Build and soak off the remaining!

How do I prevent lifting when using Build?

Free edge lifting is an annoyance, but it can happen with any enhancement service. Here are a few tips to help with any lifting issues:

How do I prevent bubbles from forming in the Build jar or bottle?

Lots of bubbles won’t typically form unless the product was stirred rapidly. Stirring more gently should ensure that this issue doesn't occur! If you still have bubbles in your product, allow the product to settle or tap the jar on a stable surface t

Are Build products best for strengthening, or for creating extensions?

LUXA Build products can be used as an overlay, for adding strength to thinner natural nails, and to build extensions! You can find out more information about how to use Build in the directions section on the product pages.Either tips or forms can be

How can I prevent heat spikes while curing Build?

Because every person's pain tolerance is different and heat spikes may vary greatly based on the the natural health and thickness of the nail, we believe that communicating with the client about heat spikes and why they happen is the best protocol! S